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Breast Cancer Awareness in the Office!

OneSource kicked off the month of October with a "knock" at their doors. Their employee door decorations will be on display for the whole month. The themes all revolve around breast cancer awareness but were personalized by each participating individual. Listed below will be the themes they chose and why!

Even Mummies get their Mammograms

Gaby chose this theme because she wanted to highlight the importance of everyone needing mammograms. She ties in October being breast cancer awareness month with it also being the month for Halloween and spooky decorations. Her mummy scheduled her mammogram already, have you?

Boo! Keep Out! Rawr!

Josh chose this theme to show out on his creative thinking! He was able to use an arcade game door and created a funny catchphrase to represent how he feels about cancer entering anyone's body. Keep Out Cancer, you won't be crossing this door!

Save the Tatas

Brenda chose this theme because she wanted to highlight Day of the Dead, a holiday that largely originates from Mexico. Day of the Dead is about keeping spirits alive, she wanted to honor those who have fallen due to breast cancer and keep their memories alive.

Put a Coin Jam in Cancer

Amanda chose this theme because she felt inspired by OneSource Amusements and their arcade games. She Pinked Out a gumball machine and added breast cancer ribbons to tie it all together. She added a hashtag saying #GameOver because she doesn't play about cancer!

Check Ur Boo-bies

Eva chose this theme because she wanted to tie in Halloween with breast cancer awareness. She wanted to promote the importance of getting mammograms and making sure your boobies aren't feeling any different than what they do normally. Boo! Let her door scare you into getting your boobies checked.

Cure Cancer

Katie chose this theme because she wanted to show her support towards OSA CureCancer, she feels strongly about being a part of their goal in helping find the Cure for Cancer. She decided to keep her door simple and straight to the point to promote how we simply need to find the Cure!

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